October 11, 2021 | 0 COMMENTS |This letter, on behalf of Guiding Light Islamic Center, is to express our highest esteem held for The Salaam Network in Louisville, KY. We have had the great pleasure and privilege in hosting events together with TSN – including, but not limited to – presentations on Muslim-Christian relations during the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), from early Islamic history through the Middle Age, especially in medieval Andalusia, by Professors Brad Bowman and Greg Hutcheson from the University of Louisville. Muslim interactions with Jews and Christians was one of the primary characteristics of the ‘Golden Age’ of medieval Andalusia which was a precursor of the European Renaissance. Our collaboration has helped enrich the local community’s sensibilities for cooperation between multiple faith congregations in both an educational and social sense.
Hamza Foy, Board Member at Guiding Light Islamic Center
Guiding Light Islamic Center
November 9, 2019